The Street, Elmsett, Ipswich, Suffolk IP7 6PA

01473 658303

Welcome to

Elmsett C of E Primary School.

Curriculum 2 Year Cycle   Progression, Skills and Knowledge

At Elmsett School we aim to develop well-rounded children, where learning experiences are constructed through a rich and varied curriculum offer. We have used the National Curriculums (EYFS and NC2014) as a spring board to generate ideas for which topics, knowledge and skills will be covered within each year group. 

Over the past year we have been re-writing and developing our new curriculum. This is based around 3 Big Ideas for each subject which underpin the teaching and learning throughout our curriculum.  We are very excited about the opportunities this brings to our pupils.

It is our aim to provide a curriculum offer that:

  • enables children to make great progress
  • provides equal opportunities for all learners
  • engages, motivates and develops curious children
  • shines a light into all our subject areas
  • creates responsible citizens
  • prepares children for the digital world
  • promotes a healthy lifestyle

Our Curriculum Overview CLICK HERE

Internal School Assessment Information 

For details about how we assess our pupils CLICK HERE

Should you require any further information about our curriculum please contact the school office on: with your specific request

Please also see our School Prospectus on the Parent Information section of our website

Principles Underpinning the Curriculum in MAT Schools

CLICK HERE for the document

Elmsett School Early Years Curriculum 

Within each subject area below you will find whole school planning which includes sections for Robins Class, which is our Early Years, Year 1 and Year 2 class.  Please see below additional information regarding the Early Years curriculum:

How we build foundational skills in the EYFS to enable pupils to successfully access the Year 1 curriculum 


Art and Design

3 Big Ideas: Inspiration, Experimentation & Expression

Art and Design are considered to be an integral part of the Arts curriculum at Elmsett –we provide exciting, high-quality learning opportunities for our children which sit firmly at the centre of everything we do. They bring cohesion to learning experiences from across the curriculum, enabling children to make sense of their experiences and to express how they feel about them

At Elmsett we provide children with a wide variety of Art and Design activities.  Each year the children build on the skills that they have learnt in the previous year. Our Arts Curriculum enables the children to find out about the work of different artists as well as developing their own artistic skills. Pupils have the opportunity to experiment with a range of mediums such as: sculpture, sewing, sketch pencils, charcoal, watercolours, oil pastels, acrylic paint and Batik.

Art Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Art and Design Whole School Cycle A & B Plan

Art Progression of Skills

Design and Technology

3 Big Ideas: Design Make Evaluate

The Design and Technology (D&T) curriculum at Elmsett enables the children to gain knowledge and understanding of materials, structures, controls and mechanisms. It also provides them with opportunities to develop their designing, enquiry, scientific and mathematical skills. Again, the children build on skills and knowledge they have developed in previous years.

We like to celebrate the children’s artwork by displaying it within the classrooms and school hall as well as encouraging pupils to take part in regional art shows/competitions such as the Hadleigh Show.

Design Technology Intent Implementation and Impact Statement

Design and Technology Whole School Cycle A  & B Plan

KAPOW Scheme Progression of Skills


3 Big Ideas: Fluency, Problem Solving & Reasoning

At Elmsett School, we recognise that Mathematics is both a key skill within school, and also a vital life skill. It helps children to make sense of the world around them through developing their ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems. Through their growing knowledge and understanding, children learn to appreciate the contribution made by many cultures to the development and application of mathematics. We believe that by fostering resilience and a love of challenge and enquiry, children will develop an enthusiasm and love of maths that they will carry forward with them. We seek to dispel the myth that some people can ‘do’ maths while others ‘can’t’ and instil in the children a ‘can do’ attitude of growth and development.

We aim to:

  • Develop a mathematical understanding through systematic direct teaching of appropriate learning objectives;
  • develop a positive attitude towards maths and an awareness of the relevance of maths in the real world;
  • encourage the effective use of maths as a tool in a wide range of activities within school and subsequently adult life;
  • develop an ability in the children to express themselves fluently, to talk about the subject with confidence, using correct mathematical language and vocabulary;
  • develop an ability to think clearly and logically with independence of thought and flexibility of mind;
  • develop an appreciation of creative aspects of maths and awareness of its aesthetic appeal.

The National Curriculum for Mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, understanding relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
  • Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including the varied and regular practice of increasingly complex problems over time.

At Elmsett we have the expectation that the majority of pupils will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace. However, timely intervention and continuous assessment of children’s grasp of concepts and readiness to move on, will determine the decisions about when to progress to the next stage. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly will be challenged through being offered opportunities to deepen their understanding and knowledge before any acceleration through new content. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material will consolidate their understanding, including additional practice, before moving on. By continuously using both class and self-marking, our aim is that misconceptions are addressed in the lesson before they are allowed to take hold and embed themselves into the children’s thought process.

We are currently in the process of applying the fundamentals of a ‘Maths Mastery’ way of teaching throughout the school to further develop the children’s fluent understanding of mathematical skills as well as ensuring that they can apply this knowledge into more abstract problem solving situations.

Maths Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Maths Long Term Plans: Please click below to view plans

Robins Class (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2)

Kingfishers Class (Years 3 & 4)

Owls Class (Upper KS2 Years 5 & 6)

Mathematics Progression of Skills


Religious Education

3 Bug Ideas: Faith, Understanding & Acceptance

We offer children the opportunity to learn ABOUT and FROM the world’s religions with a main focus on Christianity. 

We believe that learning about Christianity alongside a variety of other faiths builds tolerance and understanding in our young people.

At Elmsett we follow the Ipswich and St Edmundsbury Diocese  Emmanuel Project.

Please see details HERE

R.E. Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement 

R.E. Whole School Cycle A & B Plan

Christian Collective Worship

Themes for 2024

Autumn Term 1: Compassion / Courage / Respect

Autumn Term 2: Truthfulness / Wisdom / Service


3 Big Ideas: Programming, Design & Online Safety

Class Teachers teach ICT in weekly lessons which enables pupils to use these skills to develop other aspects of their learning. The school is well-equipped with interactive whiteboards in each classroom and a laptop trolley/ sets of ipads which provides individual computer/internet access. 

We work hard to ensure that all pupils are able to use technology to support their learning and that they understand how to keep themselves safe when using a range of technological devices. E-safety is an essential part of the Computing curriculum. 

Computing is far more than word-processing at Elmsett Primary School and our pupils move onto secondary education with advanced skills. The children become adept at using a range of Microsoft programmes including Word, Power-point and Excel; they also have the opportunity to learn programming skills, using higher-order thinking processes to solve problems when controlling how a piece of code behaves, and experimenting with data-logging and control

Computing Intent, Implementation & Impact Statement

Computing Whole School Cycle A & Cycle B Plan

Access progression skills HERE.


3 Big Ideas: Appreciation, Improvisation & Performance

Music is an important part of our school tradition at Elmsett and we aim to foster an enjoyment of different styles of music, as well as a critical ear and an ability to express ourselves creatively.  

Music is taught as a whole class subject in accordance with National Curriculum requirements. It is taught by the class teacher with support from the music lead. The Kapow music scheme is used throughout the school and supplemented by ukulele lessons in Key Stage 2. Children learn to play, to compose, to improvise and to read musical notation including tab and staff notation. They are given regular opportunities to perform to each other and to parents. They are also given opportunities to listen to good quality recordings of music and to express and justify their opinions. We also take any opportunity to hear live music, including our whole school trip to the Rock and Roll Panto where children see a variety of instruments played live on stage. 

Singing forms a core part of our daily collective worship and we have weekly singing practice for all pupils from Foundation upwards. This provides pupils with opportunities to develop a love of singing and to improve their singing technique.  Children are encouraged to take part in extra curricular singing including MAT events. 

 Pupils who learn a musical instrument out of school are also encouraged to share their talents with an audience whenever possible (concerts, assemblies, musical celebration events).

In the Autumn term YR, Y1 and Yr 3 Perform a Nativity Play.  At Easter Y3 and 4 Take part in a musical production in church.  In the Summer Term our Y5-Y6 Perform a musical production which all pupils are able to take part in. 

Music Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement 

Music Whole School Cycle A & B 

Access progression skills HERE.


3 Big Ideas: Questioning, Investigating & Explaining

Science lessons provide the perfect opportunity to stimulate and excite pupils’ curiosity and interest in the world. Through practical exploration, children develop their understanding and knowledge of 'how', 'why', and 'what' from Foundation upwards. At Elmsett, we encourage pupils to ask questions and discuss scientific issues that may affect their own lives. We help pupils to make sense of an ever-changing world.

A hands-on approach to teaching science is adopted throughout the school. Children first ask questions and discuss them before suggesting ways to find out answers. These include using secondary sources such as books and the internet, as well as conducting their own investigations. Throughout the school, children are taught to work scientifically, making observations, selecting appropriate equipment and using it safely, collecting data, measuring and checking results, making comparisons and communicating results and findings. Children are encouraged to use correct scientific vocabulary and to draw conclusions from their findings. They use labelled drawings, tables, graphs and charts to present findings. As they progress through the school, they are encouraged to write up their investigations in greater detail, using increasingly scientific vocabulary.

Children learn about weather and the seasons, materials and their properties, forces, and the natural world including plants, humans and other animals, their habitats, diet, health and fitness. They also learn about great scientists throughout history and how their discoveries have shaped our world.

Pupils at Elmsett enjoy science and demonstrate enquiring spirits and critical thinking.

Science Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Science Whole School Cycle A & B Plan

Access progression skills HERE.



At Elmsett we teach phonics using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds scheme. This is a highly structured, systematic approach to teaching phonics and helps our children to read very quickly. This scheme is used in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and can be continued into KS2 where needed.

To find out more about the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds scheme CLICK HERE

Geography and History

We cover both the Geography and History objectives of the National Curriculum through termly or half termly Topics, ensuring that we build cross-curriculum links into our planning to tie this learning together. It is implemented either through a Topic approach alongside Design & Technology, History and Art or taught as a separate unit, depending on the objectives to be covered that half term. For example, locating the countries of the world will be taught as part of topics that cover historic cultures from across the world, such as the Mayans, Greeks, and Egyptians, whereas more specific Geography objectives will be covered in particular Geography units, such as Trade and Economics.


3 Big Ideas: Location, Comparison & Change

Our Geography curriculum is designed to equip pupils with knowledge, skills and understanding about diverse places, people and resources within natural and human environments. Pupils will develop their geographical skills in order to carry out effective enquiries and locate countries, oceans and continents. They will make comparisons between different areas of the world and note changes while learning to explain why change happens. Within these contexts they will also learn about looking after our planet for the future.

Geography Intent, Implementation and Impact

Geography Whole School Cycle A & B Plan

Geography Progression of Skills 

Pupils are given opportunities to lead their own lines of geographic enquiries and record their findings in a variety of ways.  As well as completing work inside the classroom, field work is a key part of our Geography Curriculum and allows pupils to apply their geographical skills in real-life settings.

In Key Stage 1, pupils investigate their local area and begin to learn about the wider world.

In Key Stage 2, pupils investigate their local area and a contrasting area, finding out about the environment and the people who live there.


3 Big Ideas: Chronology, Civilisation & Change

Our History Curriculum aims to give children the hands on experiences and enquiry skills to develop key knowledge about past events and the impact on Britain and the rest of the world. 

Our History lessons are based on a specific historic theme (e.g. Crime and Punishment), historic culture (e.g. the Romans) or a major event (e.g. World War 1). We also build in cross-curricular opportunities. Our long and medium plans map out the skills and the knowledge pupils will acquire each term for each year group. These plans define what will be taught in line with the ‘National Curriculum’. However, we believe that there should always be scope for development based on the children’s enquiries and what they would like to investigate further.

History Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

History Whole School Cycle A & B Plan

Access history progression skills HERE.

Physical Education

3 Big Ideas: Collaboration, Challenge & Performance

As a small school we try to take as many opportunities as possible to engage in a variety of different activities.

The National Curriculum for Physical Education details a clear 'Purpose of Study' and 'Subject Content' for KS1 and KS2. Our whole PE skills progression chart combined with our yearly Curriculum Overview not only details the journey children will go on in this subject but also the high expectations we set, and the opportunities we provide in: gymnastics, dance and games. We place a strong emphasis on 'healthy lifestyles' and general fitness.

We hold the School Games GOLD Award and as part of this we ensure that our pupils have opportunities to participate in a wide range of opportunities both within and beyond the school day. All pupils are members of School Teams and participate in intra-school sports competitions in a range of sports. They also compete against other schools demonstrating high levels of performance at both local and regional levels.

See our PE skills progression document HERE

See our Long Term Cycle A PE Plan HERE

See our Long Term Cycle B PE Plan HERE

PE Intent Implementation and Impact Statement

Swimming Lessons

Elmsett School aims to ensure that all pupils by the end of Year 6 are able to:

Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of 25 meters.

Use a range of strokes effectively.

Perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations.

To this end our pupils begin swimming lessons in Year 3 and these continue until Year 6 where necessary.  We swim at Hadleigh Pool and Leisure facility in Hadleigh, Suffolk. 

For the school year ending July 2024 the following swimming achievements were recorded by our Year 6 pupils:

40% of pupils could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m.

40% of pupils could use a range of strokes. 

40% of pupils could perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. 


3 Big Ideas: Health and Well-being, Relationships & Citizenship

We offer children the opportunity to develop the qualities and attributes they need to be healthy, independent and active participants in society. 

RHSE Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

RHSE Whole School Cycle A & B Plan

Framework 2.1

Y 1 &2 framework

Y 3 & 4 framework

Y 5 & 6 framework

MFL - French

3 Big Ideas: Curiosity, Understanding & Fluency

Our Class Teachers teach French. We offer children the exciting opportunity to take part in French lessons from Years 1 to 6. 

French Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Key Stage One
Year 1 and Year 2 have weekly lessons over a half term. We aim for our children to develop an appreciation of songs and stories in French throughout their time at the school. We sometimes do the register, date and weather in French in our classes too.
Key Stage 2
Key Stage 2 have weekly French lessons where we aim to develop a love of languages and an understanding of other cultures alongside language development.
In Year 3 we focus on learning to introduce themselves, ask questions and respond appropriately. They listen and respond to French and learn the days of the week, colours, numbers to twenty and the French alphabet. Their focus is on aiming to
have a short dialogue confidently in French with some opportunities to begin writing in French.
Year 4 develop more skills in responding to classroom instructions and classroom objects. With a greater emphasis on beginning to write simple French sentences, they also begin to describe family members and places in a town. Children begin to
develop dictionary skills in Year 5 and 6
With a focus on writing grammatically correct sentences, Year 5 and 6 will learn about saying how they feel, school subjects and giving opinions, foods, weather and clothing. Our older children will also begin to learn more about using verbs in French.

KS2 Cycle A and Cycle B Plan (Including Progression)

Key Concepts: Family & friends, colours, animals, shopping, greetings, numbers, days, dates, time, weather, festivals & culture, places & descriptions, food, sports & hobbies.


3 Big Ideas: Engage, Imitate and Create

At Elmsett School we recognise that reading and writing are key skills for pupils to develop for their future life and employment. Each week we have a cycle of focussed spelling, grammar and handwriting lessons, as well as exploring a variety of texts and offering varied opportunities for writing. We also seek to create a love of reading and a creative outlet in writing.

Reading at Elmsett

Reading begins in the Foundation Stage through sharing books with simple or no text so that the children can learn how to tell a story using images. There is an emphasis on children learning to decode through daily phonics teaching and developing their sight vocabulary for common exception words.  Children progress through the reading bands accordingly with each book level introducing new reading and comprehension skills. In addition to the Stage books, Key stage 2 pupils read Treetops books which provide a variety of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, with focussed comprehension questions to be completed at school or at home. These also provide parents with examples of questions they can ask their child when hearing them read, as the development of reading is a vital partnership between home and school.

We have implemented the Accelerated Reader program, which enables pupils to take on online quiz after each book they read. This tracks reading progress, flags when children are finding books too challenging or too easy and helps to develop reading comprehension and fluency skills.

Reading strategies are established through individual reading (with teacher, teaching assistant or adult helper) and Guided Reading sessions in groups with their class teacher/teaching assistants. Guided Reading provides an opportunity for the teacher to teach reading in relation to the differentiated needs of pupil groups and to introduce a variety of fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts, which are often beyond the level that children are reading independently. It also provides pupils with strategies for retrieving information from a text and for answering comprehension questions in their classwork and in test situations, with adults modelling the different types of answer.

Reading Progression: EYFS to Year 2

Reading Progression KS2: Year 3 to Year 6


Writing at Elmsett

Pupils are provided with frequent and varied opportunities to write. Sequences of English lessons typically begin by using high quality texts so that the children can learn from different authors and styles of writing, copying both their structure and style. Texts are broken down so that pupils understand the mechanics of the writing, the grammar, vocabulary, punctuation and sentence structure. This is followed by shared and modelled writing with the teacher, which helps to nurture the children’s fluency and creativity. The children then apply their skills in independent pieces of writing which are finally edited and improved by the individual child as well as receiving some input from their peers. Children are taught to edit their writing for grammar, punctuation, spelling and style.

  • We teach handwriting using a systematic cursive handwriting scheme which is taught in all classes from Year 2 upwards.
  • Daily teaching of phonics in the Foundation Stage and Key stage 1 then gives way to focussed lessons on spelling in Key stage 2 in which pupils learn strategies for spelling exception words: those that cannot easily be sounded out using phonic strategies. Pupils are also taught how to build words using prefixes and suffixes.
  • We use the online 'Spelling Shed' program to make spelling fun.
  • High quality writing is also expected in other subjects, such as science, history and geography giving the children opportunities to write for different purposes.

Writing Progression: EYFS to Year 2

Writing Progression: KS2: Year 3 to Year 6

Speaking and Listening at Elmsett

Pupils are provided with varied opportunities to speak and listen to each other, developing their confidence, reasoning and vocabulary. They may be asked to retell a known story,  to debate a hot topic or to give a talk on a chosen subject. When exploring a text, pupils may be asked to sequence events, retell or dramatise the story, predict the outcome or give opinions on the book. When writing, younger pupils are encouraged to verbalise what they want to write so that they understand the patterns of sentences and the function of questions and commands.

Progress in English

The large majority of pupils progress through the curriculum content at the same pace. Adaptive learning is achieved through additional support and by encouraging children’s individual flair and fluency. 

Interventions focus on gaps in knowledge and may involve additional reading, spelling or writing practice, according to a child’s needs. At Elmsett we believe in Quality First Teaching, treating every child as an individual and meeting their individual needs and adapting our teaching to suit the child's needs.

English Intent Implementation, Intent & Impact Statement